Michael Lister

 Michael Lister 's Books

A very well recieved series by Michael Lister are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are True Crime Fiction, Six John Jordan Mysteries, Blood and Sand, The Blood-Dimmed Tide (John Joran Mysteries Book 22), Innocent Blood; Blood Money; Blood Moon, CATACLYSMOS Book 1 Part 3: The Deacon: A Post-Apocolyptic Serial Thriller, JJ08 - Blood Money, Bloodshed, Michael Lister - Soldier 03 - The Big Hello, In a Spider's Web -- a Jimmy Soldier Riley short story (Soldier Mysteries), Blood Betrayal (John Jordan Mysteries Book 14), INNOCENT BLOOD: a John Jordan Mystery Book 7 (John Jordan Mysteries), CATACLYSMOS Book 1 Part 1: This is the Way the World Ends: A Post-Apocolyptic Serial Thriller, Blood Cries; Blood Oath; Blood Work, Blood Ties (John Jordan Mysteries Book 16), John Jordan05 - Blood Sacrifice, JJ09 - Blood Moon, Blood Stone (John Jordan Mysteries Book 17), MICHAEL LISTER'S FIRST THREE SERIES NOVELS: POWER IN THE BLOOD, THE BIG GOODBYE, THUNDER BEACH, Double Exposure, Blood of the Lamb (a John Jordan Mystery), CATACLYSMOS Book 1 Part 5: The Long Dark Night: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller, Blood Stone, Blood of the Lamb jj-1, Michael Lister - Soldier 01 - The Big Goodbye, Power in the Blood jj-2, Bloodshed (John Jordan Mysteries Book 19), Blood Oath: a John Jordan Mystery Book 11 (John Jordan Mysteries), BLOOD CRIES: a John Jordan Mystery (Book 10) (John Jordan Mysteries), The Body and the Blood, CATACLYSMOS Book 1 Part 4: Perish Twice: A Post-Apocolyptic Serial Thriller, The Remington James Box Set, Power in the Blood (John Jordan Mystery), COLD BLOOD (a John Jordan Mystery Book 13), Flesh and Blood, Rivers to Blood, BLOOD WORK: a John Jordan Mystery (John Jordan Mysteries Book 12), CATACLYSMOS Book 1 Part 2: Night Fires of the New World: A Post-Apocolyptic Serial Thriller, which was published in 2022.